Category Archives: Education

What Cannot Be Understood or Solved Gets Labeled

Labels in SchoolWe just received this from one of our NACD moms:

I wanted to share with you a jaw-dropping experience I had today:

I was having a meeting with an educational diagnostician regarding my daughter’s evaluation for next school year. I kept voicing my concern about how I didn’t think that the school district was up to date with newest research in neuroplasticity and wouldn’t provide her with the best possibilities that are available. Anyway, I must have used “neuroplasticity” 3 times in our conversation. At the end of the meeting, she said, “I’m sure that most teachers would look up any label that a child would have and make themselves familiar with that label. Now I’ve never had a student who had Neuroplasticity, but I’d be sure to look it up!” Then she asked me if I had any other questions and I said, “Nah, I think we are done.”

I’m afraid that this story typifies the current state of affairs. Training for those who work with educational and developmental problems is much more about labeling and categorizing than about addressing and fixing problems. The educational system and other disciplines that “help” us with our children and to take care of ourselves perceive that they are serving us if they can successfully give us a label. It sounds a bit better if it is called a diagnosis, but it is still a label; and once given, we are often categorized and a corresponding prognosis assigned. As this mother’s story has so well illustrated, it’s not about understanding and addressing a problem; it’s all about what you call it.

What cannot be understood or solved gets labeled, and then solving the individual’s problem often becomes less imperative, and the focus becomes how to make “appropriate” accommodations.

Psychologist: “Mrs. Smith, we have done comprehensive testing and we now understand why your son isn’t paying attention and is distractible. He has ADHD.”

Mrs. Smith: “What is ADHD?”

Psychologist: “That means he can’t pay attention and is distractible.”

Greater and greater percentages of our children are being labeled every year, and according to the professionals, they have diseases. Because they have diseases, they are all kind of the same; and because they are all kind of the same, then they need to find the cure that fits all of them; and until they find the cure, your child is essentially incurable. Having an incurable disease means that they can perhaps treat/mask the symptoms, but until the cure is found you’re kind of out of luck. Not.

What about your child being a unique human being, a person who has never existed before on the planet?

What about that thing that makes our brain development possible, and which wires each of us uniquely, and which is affected by everything we see, hear, feel, smell, taste, and think? Neuroplasticity.

Neuroplasticity is not a disease; it’s not a label. It is that thing that makes each of us who we are at this moment and which makes us a little different every millisecond. That thing that also affords us unlimited potential.


Understand it.
Believe it.
Take advantage of it.

Ex Libris

iStock_000000182279_L1NACD now has an extensive recommended reading list that I want to share with you. When reviewing the book list, please keep in mind that there are various ways to experience, enjoy, and learn from a book.  Books should be viewed as a from of entertainment; a resource for knowledge; a means by which to develop vocabulary, build the ability to process, visualize, conceptualize, and understand information, and a means to learn about history, people, and life.  Through books we can learn about fantasy, learn to imagine, dream, and create. Without the benefit of books it is very difficult to learn and understand the human condition. We can learn from the lives and experiences of others and develop a deeper understanding not only of others, but ourselves.  We can gain these benefits not only by reading these books ourselves, but also through the experience of others reading them to us, from the shared experience through book clubs, from shared reading, and even from audio books. As you review this list and pick books for your child (or help them pick books), remember these options.  If you want the child to enjoy a book that they are going to read themselves, you don’t want the vocabulary to be too challenging.  You want them to be able to read and move through the book relatively quickly.  If the book is a bit more challenging, consider shared reading. With shared reading you read a paragraph or a page, and your child reads the next.  With shared reading you can help your child with any new or difficult words, and with your reading with your child you can keep the pace moving fast enough to keep it interesting.  If the book is even more difficult, simply read the book to your child, or if time does not permit, see if you can find an audiobook version. Always try to encourage your child to have a dictionary handy, or preferably one of the new app dictionaries, that can give your child the pronunciation of the word as well as the definition.  The best way to teach this is by example.

Experience books with your children and give them the wonderful gift of learning to love reading and love learning.

Download NACDs Recommended Book List (PDF)

Today is Friday, This Must be London or Classrooms, Processing, and Narrow Competition

lambeth_bridgeGot up this morning in London after experiencing some of the great joys of international travel: delayed flights, missed connections, no way to reach any of the carrier’s employees, language issues, and finally a different airline and route. But I got here.

When I got up this morning, I put on BBC News (Just a side note, I was informed by my son yesterday when we were getting up early for our respective flights, his to go home and mine to go to England, that I was once again behind the times. I get up and turn on the news and he informed me that evidently most of the world wakes up and checks Facebook. He had in fact gotten up at 5:45am, checked Facebook, read my blog post that had been put up while he was asleep and found a spelling error for me– what a fine young man) and my day was greeted with a story about creating different grading standards for children with late birthdays. Aha, someone is paying attention. They were referring to some study–which I missed, but the results are logical and a study should not have been necessary anyway–but the study showed that children with later birthdays struggled more than their “older” (as in, a matter of months) peers, and they were considering creating a different grading system for these “younger” children. This story immediately elicited two lines of thought. (I hadn’t had any coffee yet, coffee might have produced a few more, and oh, then there was jet lag.) The first was that although they probably didn’t know it, the different levels of function represented different levels of sequential processing. The second was that the artificial narrow competition of the school structure was fraught with inherent problems, not the least of which is that the children are thankfully not all the same.

As all of our enlightened NACD parents know, the foundation that permits us to learn and think is this marvelous thing called sequential processing that develops in different rates in different individuals, partially determined by general neurological organization and maturity and through opportunity, and which can be accelerated through targeted developmental intervention. All things being equal, the younger children in a classroom will have slightly lower processing abilities than their more senior classmates. This “slight” disparity is enough to obviously significantly affect the ability of these younger children to attend, process what they see and hear, think, learn, and communicate. As many of our families will attest to, even a small incremental change in sequential processing (which translates into short-term memory and working memory and is the foundation for the all so important executive function and global maturity) can produce very significant, if not dramatic, change in the child’s overall function and maturity.

And then there are schools, levels, grades, groups of children of almost the same age–what a fantastic invention, and mass education–how wonderful. However, the reality is that there are many problems associated with such narrow competition, an extremely unnatural and negative social construct. It gets so old hearing about kids and their peers, fitting in with their peers, socializing with their peers, competing with their peers. I’m very fortunate; I live in a huge world, made up of newborns to geriatrics, people of different ethnic and social origins, people with no education and people with multiple doctorates. In my day-to-day life I am in competition with absolutely no one. I am free to be my unique self, know what I know, learn what I care to learn, be perceived as having value based on what I know, not what I don’t know, buy my clothes at Costco or Nordstrom’s, listen to Bach or Neil Young, know next to nothing about contemporary music, or what is “in.” How great is that? I am free to continually discover who I am and enjoy the quest. I am permitted these great freedoms because I live in a relatively free country and because I am not forced to spend my day with my “peers,” particularly my chronological peers, who quite honestly seem rather old. If I had to judge myself on a very narrow view of myself based almost entirely on the distorted information that I could obtain from spending my day with my peers, I would probably fall into a deep depression.

I have a great idea for a business that is designed to fail: Let’s create a cruise ship and cater to everyone who longs to be back in 8th grade. To get on our cruise you must be born in a specific twelve-month period. On our cruise we are going to take lots of tests and all of our scores will be posted and announced. (Isn’t this sounding like fun?) We will take math tests–the mathematicians, engineers, and physicists will be happy. They can laugh at the other 99% of us. Then there are the English tests–probably another 99% are at least concerned. Physics, chemistry, world history, geography, and oh, how about Spanish, French, German, or Latin? Well, we don’t want to spare any egos, so lets have physical competitions. How many pushups can you do? Sit-ups? Can you run a mile? We could even expand to some sports that some of our peers still play, like golf- sounds like an F to me. Wow, isn’t this great fun? Now let’s do the clothing labels test. Who made that shirt? What shoes are you wearing? How about the music test, the art test, the who-is-your-best- friend test? Or the how-little-is-your-nose, or how-flat-is-your-belly test? Or the how-much-money-do-you-make or what-kind-of-car-do-you-drive test?

To make sure our business really fails, let’s not let anyone get off the ship, and let’s sail for at least twelve years, and let’s repeat these tests every week—such fun! At the end of this, who would have the faintest idea of who they are, and how many would have an ego left intact? We had better not permit any weapons aboard. I’d bet they wouldn’t even have a child development test so that I could show off; or if they did I’d disagree with the teacher and still get an F.

Should the younger children get easier tests? Or should we help children develop the real skills they need to function and totally reevaluate this relatively recent experiment, which is our educational system, and come up with a better plan? Perhaps all the children aren’t broken; perhaps it’s the system.

Related Links

The Simply Smarter Project
Simply Smarter Kids
Simply Smarter System (new version coming soon)
NACD International

Parental Lesson #1: Talk to Your Children

Could the key to your child’s success be as simple as talking to them? Could our educational and probably cognitive decline be at least in part attributable to less and less quality time that permits parents to simply talk to their children? I believe that the foundation of cognition–the ability to think, hold pieces of information together, and manipulate information–is based on auditory processing. Decades of measuring the processing abilities in children and adults as well as developing tools to help develop processing skills has demonstrated tens of thousands of times that your complexity of thought is built upon and limited to how much auditory information you can process and manipulate. We all have the potential to do better; we all have the ability to do better; we just need the opportunity to do better.


Related Links:

The NACD Simply Smarter Project

Simply Smarter Kids: Memory

The Simply Smarter System: Video Teaser


Related Articles:

TSI – Auditory Processing: What is It?

NACD Journal – Parenting 101: A Child’s Education Begins with Educating the Parents


Teaching Your Child To Think – From the Brilliant Baby Series

What is preventing you or your children from achieving your potential? Often at the top of the list is simply the ability to take in information (short-term memory), manipulate information (working memory), and to think (executive function). Many teachers are just talking to themselves because their students can’t process what is being said. In this video I also mention that The NACD Foundation’s Simply Smarter Project is working to help people understand how well they “think” and is teaching them how to do it better. You and your children can go online and take a quick test and find out how you are doing. Don’t be scared; you can learn to do it better.